Helping you reopen

I hope you are all staying safe and that you and your families haven’t been affected directly by the dreadful Covid-19 virus. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have been.

We remain ready to support you however you are returning to business. We understand that you may be opening in a phased or a delayed manner. However you plan to return, we have a number of ways we can help you adjust to the “new normal”. Here are some of the initiatives we have:

Pub Order

One of the key challenges with social distancing will be the ordering process. Particularly those of you with bar or counter ordering. The big national chains have IT departments to provide this to them which puts independent pubs and restaurants at a disadvantage especially when Time and Money are a scarce commodity. Therefore, we have developed a standalone app that enables your customers to place an order directly from their Android or iOS. All you need is 30 minutes of your time to setup your menu and a Stripe account to allow the credit card payments to be paid directly into your bank account securely.

Most importantly, this will be FREE to all MKG Foods customers for AT LEAST 12 months.

To take advantage and secure your place on the app, please email [email protected] with your details and we’ll be in touch to set you up.


We have been building stock of key lines such as:

Non-surgical Face Masks
Surgical Face Masks
Anti-Bacterial gel (bulk and individual dispensers)

Please contact us to secure your stock

Stock Levels

During lockdown, we have maintained our stock levels so on the vast majority of products we are stocked and ready to go. However, we always recommend checking with us on any key lines.


Whilst the industry wakes up from hibernation, we will keep our Customer Services phone lines open 9-5pm Monday to Friday. We fully intend, once appropriate to reinstate our evening/late customer service shift and Saturday deliveries but that will be driven by continually monitoring market demand. However, our online ordering platform remains available up to 10pm for next day delivery. Please contact our Customer Services team if you wish to register an account.

The members of our team who have been furloughed will be returning gradually as the market opens. Should you be struggling to contact your usual MKG contact, you can always phone us on 0330 058 8888 or email [email protected].